Французский дизайнер и производитель вот уже 60 лет

lits enfants meubles gautier

Все детские кровати


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Нужно вдохновение, чтобы создать уютный дом мечты?

Let's imagine together the ideal room for your children

We support you to imagine your children's dream room: furniture, decoration ... A complete project from A to Z for a space in their image where they can fully develop.

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Interior designers' advice

Выбор детской кровати

Beds with room to grow and dream

Stylish beds that kids and teens will love

Kids and teens alike will love our range of beds. Their carefully crafted finishes and trendy designs make them timeless.

Our beds are as inexhaustible as your kids

Our ‘kids’ beds are designed to withstand anything your kids might throw at them, because we understand children’s exuberant energy. Our beds are havens and cosy cocoons in which your kids can play, imagine and rest after a crazy, busy day!

Carefully crafted beds with your kids in mind

We only use solvent-free water-based finishing products. Your children need to grow up in bedrooms that provide a healthy environment, in line with current manufacturing standards.

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